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Map of Austria population: population density and structure of population of Austria
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You can find on this page the Austria population map to print and to download in PDF. The Austria population density map presents the number of inhabitants in relation to the country size and the structure of the population of Austria in Western Europe.

Austria population density map

The Austria population density map shows the number of inhabitants in relation to Austria size. This demographic map of Austria will allow you to know demography and structure of the population of Austria in Western Europe. The Austria density map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The population density in Austria is 109 per Km2 (283 people per mi2) as you can see in Austria population density map. The total land area is 82,409 Km2 (31,818 sq. miles). 57.3 % of the population is urban (5,159,360 people in 2020). The median age in Austria is 43.5 years. Vienna is Austria most densely populated province with 4.631 residents per square kilometre and Carinthia the least densely populated province with 59 inhabitants per square kilometre.

During 2022 Austria population is projected to increase by 32,564 people and reach 9,078,237 in the beginning of 2023 as its shown in Austria population map. The natural increase is expected to be positive, as the number of births will exceed the number of deaths by 1,176. If external migration will remain on the previous year level, the population will be increased by 31,388 due to the migration reasons. It means that the number of people who move into Austria (to which they are not native) in order to settle there as permanent residents (immigrants) will prevail over the number of people who leave the country to settle permanently in another country (emigrants). According to our estimations, daily change rates of Austria population in 2022 will be the following: 235 live births average per day (9.79 in an hour), 232 deaths average per day (9.65 in an hour), 86 immigrants average per day (3.58 in an hour). The population of Austria will be increasing by 89 persons daily in 2022.

Austria population density is 107.9 people per square kilometer (279.3/mi2) as of February 2022. Density of population is calculated as permanently settled population of Austria divided by total area of the country. Total area is the sum of land and water areas within international boundaries and coastlines of Austria. The total area of Austria is 83,870 km2 (32,382 mi2) according to the United Nations Statistics Division as its mentioned in Austria population map. Total life expectancy (both sexes) at birth for Austria is 79.8 years. Male life expectancy at birth is 76.9 years. Female life expectancy at birth is 82.8 years.